Access Consultancy

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Group DLA provides Access Consultancy services that make the built environment more accessible for people with disability and better places for everyone to enjoy.

Our Specialist Consultants deliver comprehensive DDA Access assessments and advice based on technical knowledge, practical understanding and experience across all types and sizes of development. We support clients and design teams through a collaborative approach with options to meet or exceed building compliance requirements and achieve project goals.


  • Planning Reviews and Capability Statements for Development Approval
  • Design Reviews and Compliance reporting throughout design and construction stages
  • Performance Based Design Briefs (PBDB) and Performance Solution reports to address Building Code of Australia (BCA) non-compliances
  • Access Design and Compliance Statements for Certification
  • DDA Access audits and “Affected Part” inspections of existing buildings
  • Universal design and best practice access advice and guidelines
  • Advice and interpretation of Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and Access matters
  • Site Inspections and advice/support during construction
  • Liveable Housing Design assessments and LHA certification


For more information on how our team of specialists can help you.

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